Check out Google Scholar for a full list of Porter lab publications

Unifying our Understanding of Eye Loss Integrative and comparative biology (In PRESS) M.L. Porter & L. Sumner-Rooney

of Opsins in the Monochromatic Stomatopod Squilla empusa Integrative and comparative biology IN PRESS

Proceedings of the Royal Society B 2012 Porter et. al

Unifying our Understanding of Eye Loss Integrative and comparative biology (In PRESS) M.L. Porter & L. Sumner-Rooney
Valdez-Lopez, J.C., Donohue, M.W., Bok, M.J., Wolf, J., Cronin, T.W., Porter, M.L. (IN PRESS) Sequence, strucutre, and expression of opsins in the monochromatic stomatopod Squilla empusa. Integrative and Comparative Biology.
Porter, M.L., Sumner-Rooney, L. (IN PRESS) Evolution in the dark: unifying our understanding of eye loss. Integrative and Comparative Biology.
Porter, M.L., M. Steck*, V. Roncalli, & P.H. Lenz (2017) Molecular characterization of copepod photoreception. Biological Bulletin (* M.S. student; invited submission for virtual symposium on ‘New insights from genetic datasets on the function and evolution of visual systems’). 233(1):96-110.
Bok, M.J., M.L. Porter, & D.-E. Nilsson (2017) Phototransduction in fan worm radiolar eyes. Current Biology 27. (cover article). 27(14):R698-R699.
Morehouse, N.I., E. Bushbeck, D. Zurek, M. Steck*, and M.L. Porter (2017) Molecular evolution of spider vision: New opportunities, familiar players. Biological Bulletin (* M.S. student; invited submission for virtual symposium on ‘New insights from genetic datasets on the function and evolution of visual systems’). 233(1):21-38.
Niemiller, M.L., M.L. Porter, J. Keany, H. Gilbert, D.W. Fong, D.C. Culver, C.S. Hobson, K. D. Kendall, M.A. Davis, & S.J. Taylor (2017) Evaluation of eDNA for groundwater invertebrate detection and monitoring: a case study with endangered Stygobromus (Amphipoda: Crangonyctidae). Conservation Genetics Resources doi:10.1007/s12686-017-0785-2.
Porter, M.L., N.W. Roberts, & J.C. Partridge (2016) Evolution under pressure and the adaptation of visual pigment compressibility in deep-sea environments. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 105:160-165.
Porter, M.L. (2016) Beyond the eye: Molecular evolution of extraocular photoreception. Integrative and Comparative Biology 52(5):842-852.
Porter, M.L. (2016) Collecting and processing mysids, stygiomysids, and lophogastrids. Journal of Crustacean Biology 36(4):592-595.
Battelle, B.-A., J.F. Ryan, K.E. Kempler, S.R. Saraf, C.E. Marten, W.C. Warren, P. Minx, M.J. Montague, P.J. Green, S.A. Schmidt, L. Fulton, N.H. Patel, M.E. Protas, R.K. Wilson, & M.L. Porter (2016) Opsin repertoire and expression patterns in horseshoe crabs: Evidence from the genome of Limulus polyphemus (Arthropoda: Chelicerata). Genome Biology and Evolution 8(5):1571-1589. doi:10.1093/gbe/evw100.
Bok, M.J., M.L. Porter, T.W. Cronin (2015) Ultraviolet filters in stomatopod crustaceans: diversity, ecology, and evolution. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218(13):2055-2066. doi:10.1242/jeb.122036.
Meland, K, J. Mees, M.L. Porter, & K.J. Wittmann (2015) Taxonomic review of the orders Mysida and Stygiomysida (Crustacea, Peracarida). PLoS One 10(1): e0124656. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124656.
Speiser, D.I., M.S. Pankey, A.K. Zaharoff, B.-A. Battelle, H.D. Bracken-Grissom, J.W. Breinholt, S.M. Bybee, T.W. Cronin, A. Garm, A.R. Lindgren, N.H. Patel, M.L. Porter, M.E. Protas, A.S. Rivera, J.M. Serb, K.S. Zigler, K.A. Crandall, and T.H. Oakley (2014) Using phylogentically-informed annotation (PIA) to search for light-interacting genes in transcriptomes from non-model organisms. BMC Bioinformatics 15:350 (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0350).
Porter, M.L., L. Suarez, A. Kingston, C. Hofmann, E. Cameron, R. McCready, T.W. Cronin, & P.R. Robinson (2014) Characterization of visual pigments, oil droplets, lens and cornea in the whooping crane Grus americana. Journal of Experimental Biology 217(21):3883-3890.
How, M.J.*, M.L. Porter*, A.N. Radford, K.D. Feller, S.E. Temple, R.L. Caldwell, N.J. Marshall, T.W. Cronin, and N.W. Roberts (2014) Out of the blue: The evolution of horizontally polarized signals in Haptosquilla (Crustacea, Stomatopoda, Protosquillidae). Journal of Experimental Biology 217:3425-343. (cover article; * co-first authors)
Roberts, N.W., M.J. How, M.L. Porter, S.E. Temple, R.L. Caldwell, S.B. Powell, V. Gruev, N.J. Marshall, and T.W. Cronin (2014) Animal polarization imaging and implications for optical processing. Proceedings of the IEEE 102(10):1427-1434. (cover article)
Bok, M.J., M.L. Porter, A.R. Place, and T.W. Cronin (2014) Biological sunscreens tune polychromatic ultraviolet vision in mantis shrimp. Current Biology 24:1636-1642.
Feller, K.D., T.W. Cronin, S.T. Ahyong, and M.L. Porter (2013) Morphological and molecular description of the late-stage larvae of Alima Leach, 1817 (Crustacea: Stomatopoda) from Lizard Island, Australia. Zootaxa 3722:22-32.
Porter, M.L., D.I. Speiser, A.K. Zaharoff, R.L. Caldwell, T.W. Cronin, and T.H. Oakley (2013) The evolution of complexity in the visual systems of stomatopods: Insights from transcriptomics. Integrative and Comparative Biology 53(1):39-49. (cover article)
Engel, A.S., L. Johnson, & M.L. Porter (2013) Arsenite oxidase gene diversity among Chloroflexi and Proteobacteria from El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 83:745-756. doi: 10.1111/1574-6941.12030.
Porter, M.L., J.R. Blasic, M.J. Bok, E.G. Cameron, T. Pringle, T.W. Cronin, & P.R. Robinson (2012) Shedding new light on opsin evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:3-14.
Breinholt, J.W., M.L. Porter, & K.A. Crandall (2012) Testing phylogenetic hypotheses of the subgenera of the freshwater crayfish genus Cambarus (Decapoda: Cambaridae). PLoS ONE 7(9): e46105. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046105.