
Frank goes to Darwin Day (February 19th, 2018) Photo: Jared Bernard

Baby Lysiosquillina come into He'eia Harbor (October 2017)

Sorting bioluminescent decapods out of the plankton was a success!

Frank goes to Darwin Day (February 19th, 2018) Photo: Jared Bernard
Our Research
Find Us
Edmonson Building (401), Department of Biology
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI 96822
Current Events

New Year
New Lab
2019 kicks off the spring semester with new manuscript preparations, revised projects, and more data analysis.

Endemism in Caves
After battling an almost hurricane, Dr. Porter takes a trip to Big Island to film a documentary on Hawaiian cave species!

Jumping for Joy
New collaborators from the Maddison, Morehouse and Taylor labs throw jumping spider vision into the mix. How has their color vision developed among taxonomic groups?

The Birds and the Batflies
We happily welcome two new master's students: Melissa Atkins and Hannah Moon. Look for great new updates on the bizarre eyes of bat flies, and how night flying sea birds are impacted by city lights!